5 Act Beat Board

5-Act Beat Board Template

About the 5 Act Beat Board Template 

In the world of writing, there are Pantsers and there are Plotters. Pantsers write their story by the seat of their pants and have no plan at all... Plotters are generally freaked out by Pantsers’ chaotic methods. They need to plan and plot everything. And quite often, this plotting takes the form of a beat board. 

Plotters have used everything to create beat boards over the years. Screenplays often start out on whiteboards before a single word is typed. Novels often start as cards on a corkboard. And plays often begin as a mess of sticky notes on a wall. 

These methods have always been helpful, but they’re not often organized. That’s why we’ve created a 5-Act beat board template for you!  

It starts out as a blank canvas and you’re free to do whatever you want to it. Add a scene and move it around. Delete it, then recover it later if you change your mind. No ideas are lost. If you delete a scene, you don’t have to fish a crumpled sticky note out of the garbage, or try to remember what you erased from the whiteboard. Kill a character. Bring them back to life. It’s your story and it’s your beat board. 

Stormboard’s beat board template is also incredibly shareable. You can invite editors and other collaborators to see your entire board and interact with it in real-time. And you can’t do that with a corkboard. 

When you're done, we feel that your story deserves to be more than a blurry picture of your wall or whiteboard. With Stormboard, you can go back to your beat board any time you like to remind yourself what you’ve done, or make changes. It can also travel with you almost anywhere you go and it can be viewed on nearly any device. 

So, let’s get plotting! 


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